"I'm Coney. I'm here to help you with your company's health and safety requirements"
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What organizations and companies are saying....

Fabra Cleen

As an established business since 1960, Fabra Cleen struggled with a formal safety program for our crews. We tried the program from ASCR years ago but found that to be ineffective. Safe and Compliant has solved our problem. We use the program for training at our regular scheduled crew meetings. We are able to keep all of our SDS sheets all in one place and in the cloud. Safeandcompliant.net has helped up to upgrade our professional image. I recommend it to everyone in every profession. Brian K. Kornet, President Fabra Cleen Carpet & Fabric Specialists Inc.

Stone Forensics

I have been involved in the stone trades for over 30 years and have served as a safety director for several companies over the years. It was very difficult to find a safety program that was easy to use and affordable. That is until Safe and compliant came along. This is a very easy program to use and it very affordable . Most importantly contractors in all the construction trades can know comply with the ever increasing safety requirements of OSHA and keep themselves and their employees safe. -- Fred Hueston, Director, Stone Forensics


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Attorney Name: Brown & Lipinsky, LLP

Logo: law-firm-brown-lipinsky-llp-photo-2056109.jpeg.bmp

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