"I'm Coney. I'm here to help you with your company's health and safety requirements"
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Help – Navigating the Program

Log In

Some features on SafeandCompliant.net only become available to you once you have logged in to the system. Logging in is easy. At the top of the screen in a dark blue tab is the “member login” button. Click this member login button and the username and password area will appear. Simply type in your unique username and password combination and then click on the blue “login” button. Once you have successfully logged into the system, you will see your personalized welcome message on the top right of the screen. Now you will be able to access all of the features of safe and compliant dot net that are available to you including your member page and dashboard. If at any time you wish to log out of the system, simply click on the “log out” link located next to your welcome message.

My Member Page

When you log in to safe and compliant dot net, you are automatically taken to your personal member page. This is the page that will list current news, archives, and personal member notices. Just click on any link to view the appropriate article. Member notices will be listed with the most recent at the top. To view a notice, simply click on the title and your message will expand. Click the title of the notice again to collapse the message.

My Company Info

From the “my member page” you will see a second tab titled “my company info”. Click on this tab to view your company’s personal profile. It is important to keep this information current, as it is used to populate your individual custom documents. If you need to make a change at any time, just choose the green “edit” button to view a pop up screen with all of your editable information. Once you have made your changes, click on the blue “save” button and the popup will close automatically. Once saved, you will see a notification that your changes were successfully updated.

My Account

My Account can be accessed from your dashboard. This area includes three tabs: my account, billing info, and invoice. Choose billing info to view your billing address and current plan subscription. If you need to make a change to any of your information, click on the green edit button. The pop up that appears allows you to change account details, billing details, and your billing address.  This area is fed by a secure server, so rest assured that your information is safe. After submitting your credit card information, it will not be displayed for security purposes. When your changes are complete, click the blue “update” button to save your changes.

From this screen you can also choose the “invoice” tab to view an invoice. Choose the green “view/edit” button to create a printer-friendly PDF for your personal records.

My Badges (not ready yet)

As a feature of safe and compliant dot net, My Badges allows you to download artwork for any seal that is approved for your use. Choose the “My Badges” link from your dashboard to access this area.

Document Library

The “Document Library” section of safe and compliant dot net contains three tabs: “my custom safety documents”, “My Custom Forms”, and “General Document Library”. The first two tabs include your customizable documents. If we click on any item in these lists, we will see a preview of the information that will be automatically placed in the selected document. Verify that your information is correct, then choose the green “view/print” button to create your customized PDF document. This document will be opened in a new tab, allowing you to print or save it at your leisure. After returning to safe and compliant dot net, choose the black “x” to close the “view/print” preview box.

When you have a very large list, you may need a little help finding the form you need, which is why we have provided a customized search box. Just enter your search terms in the box – these can include document or form names as well as form numbers or codes.

The final tab in this area will take you to the general document library, which gives you access to OSHA’s required forms, and is a great tool for recordkeeping. Just click on any item in the list to download a PDF.

SDS Database

At safe and compliant dot net, one of our most valuable features is our Safety Data Sheet database. SDSs are a vital part of the United States Occupational Safety and Health Administration’s Hazard Communication Standard. This standard mandates that workers have a right to know what hazards are associated with the chemicals they use in the workplace. Did you know that both manufacturers of chemicals and employers with chemicals in their work place must be in compliance with this regulation? This is one of the most often cited violation by OSHA, and can carry fines of more than seventy-thousand dollars per violation, per instance.

When you are a member of Safe and Compliant dot net, we make sure you have everything you need to comply with this standard. Simply fill out our form with your company name, contact name, email address, and phone number. Then upload your Chemical Inventory, type in the captcha information displayed below and press “submit”. We will compile your SDS’s and send them all to you via e-mail in a zip file. It couldn’t be easier!

Required Postings

OSHA requires certain posters to be displayed in the work place. The required postings section of safe and compliant dot net lists any posters that are required for your business. Instructions are provided to inform you how and where to display them. Choose the green “download poster” button if you wish to print from your own printer. Be aware that this action will require that you load your printer with eight and a half by fourteen – or legal size – paper.

We recommend that you have your posters laminated before they are posted. If you wish to purchase pre-printed, laminated posters, please visit our online store. For your reference, these posters are also available in Spanish, although posting notices in languages other than English is not required by OSHA.

Safety Meetings

At safe and compliant dot net, we provide you will many invaluable safety meeting presentations. Choose any presentation on the list to download speaker notes, download the presentation, or launch the web presentation immediately. Launching the web presentation directly allows you to view the full presentation in a new tab without waiting for a download. PowerPoint viewer is required, so we have included a link to a free download for users who do not already have Powerpoint installed on their systems.

This page also comes with a search box that allows you to filter the list results by entering keywords. We make it easy to stay safe and compliant!

My Safety Checklist

“My Safety Checklist” is a user managed, detailed checklist provided by safe and compliant dot net that includes the regulations OSHA would be looking for if they came to you. The items in each list are what you are expected to have in place already. Read through each list and click the empty box to “check off” an item that you have completed. You may also click any green check mark to indicate that you have not completed an item. Select any of the categories on the right to view all of your safety requirements. At any time you may choose the green “print” button to send any check list to your personal printer.


If at any time you need help at safe and compliant dot net, you may choose the “support” link at the bottom of the page. In order to streamline support requests and better serve you, we utilize a support ticket system. Every support request is assigned a unique ticket number that you can use to track the progress and responses online. For your reference, we provide complete archives and history of all your support requests. A valid email address is required.

If you wish to open a new support ticket, simply click on the blue “open new ticket” button and fill out the corresponding form. To check on the status of a ticket that you previously opened, enter your email address and the support ticket number that you received via email, then click on the blue “check status” button.

Safe and compliant dot net also provides a live chat service to help you. To contact one of our support agents, simply click on the “live chat” module on the bottom left of the screen.

Be Safety Aware

Safe and compliant dot net provides many tips for you to stay safety aware. These tips will appear randomly in the lower left section of the screen at all times. If you wish to view all of the tips, simply choose the green “view all” button at the bottom of the “be safety aware” tips list. You will now be able to preview each topic. Click on any topic to view the full article.


Profile Edit

Attorney Name: Brown & Lipinsky, LLP

Logo: law-firm-brown-lipinsky-llp-photo-2056109.jpeg.bmp

Company Address:



ZIP/Postal Code:

Phone Number:







Repeat Password:


Terms and Conditions

Your User ID and Password

Your SafeandCompliant.net subscriber’s user ID and password are not transferable. They should be safeguarded and must not be divulged to others outside of your company.


All SafeandCompliant.net content—including the email newsletter—are copyrighted, as outlined in the Terms of Use page, unless otherwise noted. Redistribution of the Safe and Compliant Update newsletter—such as by automated email forwarding systems—is not permitted and is in violation of the terms of SafeandCompliant.net subscription.

Browser Technology

SafeandCompliant.net is designed for use with W3C compliant browsers (XHTML 1, CSS 2/3, JavaScript/ECMAScript) and tested with the newest versions of the most popular web browser software. No backward compatibility is guaranteed with older versions of web browsers.

Subscription Fees

You agree to pay all fees and charges that you incur. Full (Paid) Membership is for one year, and will renew automatically after each year, unless you cancel. The subscription payment is non-refundable. However, any remaining portion of the payment can be credited toward a higher level subscription, should you decide to upgrade (such as from a single user to multi-user subscription). We may at any time change the amount, or basis for determining, the subscription fee, or institute new fees or charges.


Please verify your information is correct or click on pencil icon to edit

Company Name:

Address: Edit

City: Edit

ST / Province: Edit

Postal Code: Edit

Telephone: Edit

Emergency Telephone: Edit

Hazcom Officer: Edit

Safety Officer: Edit

Services Offered: Edit
